Hello my old baby Blog

Hello there.

Today "recreating" my blog, very old blog that I made at 2007. Hosted by google, at http://blogspot.com/

Actually I have domain, not used, so I used it for my blog. Here my url domain -> ("https://www.kangfarih.com/")

I spend few hour for set up the domain and looking for the right one.

I found there some error code at template from https://gooyaabitemplates.com/, so I am not using template from there.

Looking and looking, and remember that maybe there a template that simple like Medium site.

Then, ta da...found it, "medium-like" template made for blogger.

It's simple, nice, smooth, responsive, I love it.

Decided to used it I modify some of code, to make it a little custom. Just change some image for posts that don't have any image.

So here my blog, I think I will raise again my baby blog, I hope some day there will be a thousand posts, write by me.



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